Sunday, February 27, 2011

Don't Be Two-Faced About It

So, things have been kept close to the chest for the last few weeks.  Nothing truly new has come out other than repeats of the usual.

We can take light in the fact that we know a few things with absolute certainty.  We know Selina Kyle will be in the movie.  We know Bane is not the characture character like in the Batman and Robin movie from the late 90s.  We also know the script for Rises makes Nolan's vision a perfect trilogy.

We also know Two-Face is done.  "But wait," you say, "We already knew that.  Nolan even told Aaron Eckhart (when asked about Harvey Dent's appearance in the third movie, after TDK was released in theaters) that Harvey Dent was dead.  Why is this making news?"

Well, it seems that Aaron Eckhart still hasn't given up his conviction that Dent should be in Rises.  In a recent interview, he was asked about his noninvolvement with Rises, to which he replied sarcastically "I sucker-punched Chris [Nolan]."

Now, I'm assuming that there a few of us that have read the Batman comics.  Harvey Dent, in The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller is portrayed alive and well, and still insane.  This comic takes place well into the future, when Bruce Wayne is old and beaten down by life, looking for one last hoorah as Batman.

In either case, Aaron Eckhart's persistency is interesting.  It's borderline admirable and annoying.  Here's my reasoning: In the comics, Dent lives on.  So, that said, in a well-received version of the saga made for the silver screen, Dent should also live.  This would be true to the comics, since Nolan himself is quoted to saying "This is an early version of Batman."

But come on.  Nolan said Dent was dead ages ago.  Give it up people.

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