Friday, February 11, 2011

Joseph Gordan-Levitt's Role in TDKR

There's a lot to cover, so we haven't anytime time to waste then, have we?

First, let's begin with the rumors about Robin.  I've read article after article stating that "It only makes sense that Robin SHOULD be in Rises."  False.  Nolan has stated before that this young Dick is currently in diapers somewhere and wouldn't make an appearance in the film.  Given that TDK took place about 6 months after Begins, I'm assuming a similar time lapse will occur between TDK and Rises.  Therefore, Robin with still be in diapers sucking on bottles.  Also, keeping in mind Christian Bale's statement should solidify this.  He says that if Robin is in the script, he's going to chain himself down and refuse to go to work.  'Nough said.

But what about Joseph Gordan-Levitt?  If not Robin, what possible roles could he fill?  Well, let's look at the facts before we start fabricating rumors.  Levitt is a great actor.  If you don't believe so, then you clearly haven't seen Inception.  With Robin out of the picture, there leaves a few other possibilities.  One rumor that I personally enjoy is the recast for the Joker.  Take a look at Levitt's facial features and compare them to Heath Ledger's.  They could be brothers.  it's disgusting how close they resemble one another.  The only controversy that stems from here is Nolan's statement denying any involvement of Joker's presence in the film.

Now I know what you're thinking (at least I'm going to assume what it is and act accordingly).  When TDK came out, Nolan was quoted as to saying he would only do a Batman 3 if Heath's Joker would be involved.  With Heath out of the picture (no pun intended), that leaves three solutions: 1) Reuse footage that was previously edited out of TDK; 2) Recast the last Ledger with a look-a-like, namely Joseph Gordan-Levitt; and 3) leave out Joker entirely and rewrite the original storyline.  Let's assume nothing is set in stone, but for the sake of argument, let's assume Joker's out.

Therein lies a new problem.  If not Robin, nor Joker, what else is there?  Bane is already casted for the movie, played by Tom Hardy, and Anne Hathaway is playing Selena Kyle.  I'm not convinced that Catwoman will make an appearance, but that's another post.  A rumor that seems the most logical is Levitt playing the Holiday Killer.  This enemy is not supernatural and would easily fit into the Nolan's vision.  Check out a Google search on "Holiday Killer Dark Knight Rises."  Not a bad read.  You'll just have to deal with message boards rather than a full out article.

Moving on, let's scrap the idea of villains altogether.  In the Knightfall series, which seems to be the basis for Nolan's Batman, Bane is shown Breaking Batman's back.  This leaves us with a Batman that is out of commission.  One bit of news that I read that seemed to spark a light in my brain was Levitt's role being that of Azreal: Batman's replacement.  Where there is Bane, there must also be Azreal.  It's like salt and pepper.  This is the theory I currently support the most.

However, with Azreal comes a new problem.  This film is supposed to be Nolan's last Batman film.  The script has been read by Nolan's staff and they are quoted as saying "It's the perfect trilogy."  Check up on Pfister's first impressions on TDKR script to get his full take on it.  With Batman's back broken and Azreal taking the reins as the new Caped Crusader, I can hardly believe the whole story will be told in one movie.  Some things will need to be cut in order to make this a closing chapter, and Azreal's existence seems to be the biggest thing that can be cut.  Though, let's not be hasty.  I want to see Azreal as much as the next guy, so let's not sweep this one under the carpet just yet.

Black Mask is a difficult rumor to find, but it's out there, and so it's here.  I'm not really sure what to think of this one, so I won't say anything until I've had some time to actually think about it.  Perhaps you can give some ideas.

And then there's the possibility that Levitt will just be some guy.  Maybe he'll just be a character with a role like that Rachel Dawes.  Not a love interest, get your mind out of the gutter.  What I mean is that Levitt might just be a character that is highly influential to both Batman and Bruce Wayne.  No telling on what roles this one could be.  Everyone just assumes he'll be a villain.

There's my two cents.  On Joseph Gordan-Levitt, we can all agree that his addition will only help TDKR become an even greater monster than it already is.

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