Wednesday, February 16, 2011

WB, You're Just Like Mr. Cane

Attention!  Attention!  New news from WB!  They just confirmed Marion Cotillard and Joseph Gordan-Levitt as Talia Al Ghul and Black Mask.

AND THEN they immediately said, "Nope, our bad.  Just a rumor."


Ok, so there's a few possibilities with the way things happened over the past few hours.  What better way to pass the time waiting for official confirmations than to speculate on the fakes.

1) WB is jumping the gun.  It is possible that they already know how the script is going to play out and who is playing which parts.  Given this, someone at the WB headquarters could have leaked the info that should have been top secret.  In order to cover their "mistake," they're just pretending it was a false story.

2) WB has no idea what the hell is in the script.  Maybe they are choosing characters that they feel makes the most sense to them and they're dishing it out as "real" news.

3) WB is looking for publicity and they'll get it anyway they can.  Hmm, aren't we all?

4) Just more fake news from fans eager to hear the true inside scoop.  Think back to the following Tweet:
 "RW as Hugo Strange?  Hmm..."
 Ring any bells?  It should.  That Tweet is the reason that Robin Williams is on IMDb as "Hugo Strange (rumored)" under the Dark Knight Rises page.  All nonsense, to be sure.

Here's the point:

When looking for facts about Rises, the best people to get info from are those that A) wrote the script, or B)  are directing the movie.  In other words, wait till the big man himself spits out the goods.  Nolan will reveal little by little until he feels the world is ready for the teaser trailer.  When that teaser trailer drops (and I'm predicting it will between August and October), then we will trim the fat with all the ridiculous rumors and color up the good ones with story ideas and endings.

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